5/3/19 Korrigan is one of four Devil's Garden wild horses we got from Alturas, CA.
She has been the most flighty of them all. Very scared of people and pretty much everything except for other horses.
Even with her being flighty she has quickly picked up on the basics of liberty lunging and is slowly starting to accept people in her space while she eats.
She had her adorable little filly on 4/19/19.
This little black baby is the polar opposite of her mom. She is one of the most easy going and curious babies we have seen. She loves to come right uo for pets and scratches, even when her o is yelling at her to stay away.
Want to help Korrigan and her filly out? Find out how you can sponsor them through annual or monthly membership.
You can also donate to help out Aries or any of our other rescue horses.